Upcoming downtime

Not my typical type of post, but my day today has also not been very typical ….

I got news that an appointment as been made for a shoulder operation this month. I’ve been having problems with it for a while, have tried just about everything else I can think of to correct it; but I’m still rubbing bone against sinew, and have been trying to make my way with the ridiculous limitation that I’m not allowed to raise my arms above shoulder level for a while. It’s this problem that has discouraged me from backpacking this summer. According to the doctor, a few months after the surgery, my shoulder should have full function, with no limitations. If that’s the case, I may see what I might do to plan my backpacking pilgrimage for next summer. Anyway, the surgery is planned for the 24th, and I’m supposed to get back home from the hospital in three to four days afterward … those will be days that I would be highly surprised to find myself anywhere on the Internet.

In the meantime, I plan to live it up a bit! Vacation time is coming; and since I’m not using it to backpack my way up north, I plan to fill this time with as much nothing as I can possibly fill it with! I do not typically drink alcohol; but I allowed myself a bottle of beer yesterday – Warsteiner was never my first choice, but when the man hosting the party I attended told me that it tasted like an angel urinated on the tongue, I decided for some bizarre reason that I would give in to his attempts to get me to drink with him, before any further biblical references came up. Of course, drinking a bottle of beer that I’m not overly fond of almost requires that I drink a bottle of beer that I do like at some point, to maintain the balance. Since I do not plan to drink more than one bottle, I will probably go to a bar at some point – there is a nice one not far from where I live that serves my two favorite beers (Beck’s and Flensburger). Sitting down and deciding just which beer I’m more in the mood to drink will be a happy sort of dilemma. I am still making progress with the Robert Jordan books – I’ll be starting the fourth book tomorrow, with books five and six already waiting on a shelf as well.

I’ve never much cared for the so-called ‘lazy hazy days of summer’ … there is often much to do, the temperatures are warmer and more humid than I typically care for (there is at least one reader here, with whom I not only share a disdain for excessive heat, but also a thorough passion for the autumn season), and it’s the last season that stands between me and my favorite season. I’m usually a creature who is possessed of large stores of patience … toward the end of the summer, however, even my patience wears thin.

Not this summer, though! I’m under doctor’s orders to relax; and that is exactly what I am of a mind to do. Lazy and hazy are then, for me, right around the corner! There is a beach nearby, and an international festival for windjammers and tall ships. A band that I really like, called Santiano (North Germany’s answer to the boy band phenomenon) will be singing at this festival – and there will be people quite literally from all over the world taking part as either sailors or spectators. Lazy, hazy – and content – this, I can do!

8 responses to “Upcoming downtime

  1. Good luck with the surgery, and a speedy recovery so you can get out and enjoy the German countryside once again!


  2. Best of luck to you for the surgery. Hopefully it will cool down a little and then you can enjoy the outdoors.


    • Thank you for the good wishes! And I’m also hoping the weather will cool a bit – today, for example, was great (overcast, light rain, fresh breeze off the North Sea, decent temperature); but I have every full intention of using this upcoming downtime to enjoy myself … I have decided not to let the summer temperatures (whatever they may be) get in my way :-)


    • Ganz herzlichen Dank, Vetch! I was half-tempted to say I plan to do my very best to make this a good time; but I caught myself just in time! Instead, I will say that I will do my very best, to allow this to be a good time :-) There is good time, waiting to be had, I just need to keep myself open to the opportunities as they present themselves!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I was thinking of you today, and I thought that I’d check in to see how you were doing.
    I am responding to this post because it details what you wrote would be upcoming in your life this month.
    It sounds as if you have been busy having lots of fun outside of the internet these past few weeks, and I am very glad of that. I’ve been attempting to do the same myself.
    I see that it would seem that it is the day before your scheduled surgery and I want to wish you the best concerning your surgery. I hope that you will take it easy with yourself and I wish you a smooth and speedy recovery time, my friend :)



    • Thank you, friend, for the kind wishes and for thinking of me in general :-) The time was a bit of a whirlwind for me, and I’m still in the process of getting my shoulder back to even minimal function. It’s a little frustrating at times – the doctor says to keep my shoulder use as low as possible; but most of the time, it really doesn’t hurt. Then, there are those times when it does hurt, and I can understand the doctor’s warning. I plan to post something to my blog later today; but I wanted to make sure I responded to your comment first.

      I hope your attempts to have fun away from the Internet have been successful – when I get the chance, I look forward to perhaps reading about some of them (I have not even read or commented in other peoples’ blogs for some time); or if you haven’t written about them yet, perhaps you’ll share them in the future :-)


Feel free to add your thoughts ....